Office (435) 580-8800
263 Country Club Dr. #105
Stansbury Park, UT 84074

Do you struggle to get your kids to go to the dentist? Our Bountiful Pediatric Dental office is designed around kids! We have a welcoming environment full of fun toys, bright colors, and a friendly staff to make your child’s dental visit stress-free and enjoyable. How can you prepare your children before coming to the dentist? Here are 8 tips to make a dental visit fun.

This is just a fun fact but we were honored to recently win an award for the best new dental office design in America!

Tip # 1: Start Young

Children can develop a fear for things at a young age. Bring your child to South Davis Pediatric Dentistry before their first birthday. Starting at a young age will help your child get into a routine, which can prevent a lot of issues with dental anxiety.

Tip # 2: Make Brushing Fun

Kids can dread brushing their teeth if this becomes a chore you nag them about. At South Davis Pediatric Dentistry, we want to bring the fun back into brushing your teeth! Our toothpaste flavors and brightly colored toothbrushes will make it fun for your kids to use. Another great way to help your kids enjoy brushing their teeth is to sing a song or to create a game when they brush their teeth. Click here for more ideas that will make brushing teeth more fun for your child.

Tip # 3: Make It a Habit

You need to make caring for teeth and gums a family habit. When your children see you brushing your teeth, they will follow suit. Try to have a routine where you can brush your teeth with your children at night. Brushing as a family is a great way to help your kids maintain proper oral health.

Tip # 4: Play Dentist Games

A great way to prepare your kids for the dentist is to play the dentist game with your kids. Take turns allowing them to be the dentist and you to be the dentist. This is a fun way to practice what will happen when they visit our office. Playing dentist with stuffed animals is another fun way to prevent kids from being nervous about visiting the dentist.

Tip # 5: Go as a Family

Another way to help your child feel comfortable when visiting the dentist is to schedule a family visit. A younger child might feel less worrisome when they watch their older sibling have their teeth cleaned and examined first. Going together also prevents your child from feeling alone when they are in the dental chair.

Tip # 6: Talk to the Dentist

Our friendly dental team wants to make your child’s visit go as smoothly as possible. Bring up any fears you may have with our office and we will work with your child to help them feel comfortable. We have the latest tools and techniques in Pediatric dentistry and we provide sedation dentistry to help your child feel relaxed when they are in the dental chair.

Tip # 7: Prepare Your Child

Don’t just spring up a dental visit on your child without plenty of warning. Children need to have time to process things that can be new or different. Discuss what the visit will entail so your child can be prepared. If your child needs to have a dental filling, make sure you discuss this with your child so they aren’t scared when they are in the office.

Tip # 8: Stay with Your Child

Some kids need to have their parents with them to hold their hands and reassure them while the dentist works on their teeth. If you know your child needs your reassurance, stay near them to hold their hand during the appointment.

Our Bountiful dental office is inviting for children and it is a fun place for children to play while learning about their oral health. Call South Davis Pediatric Dentistry today to schedule your child’s visit; (801)294-8880.

South Davis Pediatric Dentistry is a children's dental office in Bountiful Utah