Office (435) 580-8800
263 Country Club Dr. #105
Stansbury Park, UT 84074

Are you anxiously awaiting your baby’s first tooth? Most babies begin teething around the age of 6 months, but some babies start to develop teeth as early as 3 months and as late as 14 months. Learning about the signs and symptoms of teething can help parents prepare for those extra fussy days and nights.

The Baby Tooth Timeline

When it comes to teething, most babies follow this general toothing timeline:
● 6 months: lower central incisors
● 8 months: upper central incisors
● 10 months: lower and upper lateral incisors
● 14 months: first molars
● 18 months: canines
● 24 months: second molars

Some babies will not appear fussy at all and their first tooth seems to simply poke through the gums in no time. Other babies can struggle when teething and deal with fevers, pain, redness, and swelling. At South Davis Pediatric Dentistry, we have noticed several common symptoms associated with teething babies.

Excessive Chomping or Chewing

We often see babies have a need to chew or chomp on several things to take away the pain. The pain of a tooth erupting from the surface is often relieved by counter-pressure, which is why babies often chew on a variety of things. Give your child a cold chew toy as it helps to soothe the gums.

Puffy or Swollen Gums

Before a new tooth erupts, the gums can become red or swollen. The gums often start to bulge where a tooth begins to emerge. Try offering a cool washcloth for the baby to chew on as it will help to reduce the swelling.

Excessive Drooling

A lot of babies will drool excessively when they start teething. Keep a bib and cloth handy to help wipe up the excess drool!


Babies will start to fuss a lot when they are uncomfortable. If your child wakes up at night while they are teething, try using some numbing ointment on the gums. There are infant-approved numbing creams you can safely use to provide your baby with a few minutes of relief.

Ear Pulling

If your baby is tugging at their ear, it can be a symptom of teething because the pain is transferred to the ear canal. If the ear pulling is accompanied by a fever, this may indicate that your baby could have an ear infection.

Change in Eating Habits

When babies are in pain, they can struggle to eat. You need to monitor your child’s eating habits to ensure they are getting enough fluid and food.

How to Help Your Teething Baby

If your baby is teething, you can find yourself trying a number of things to help them feel better. We recommend trying a few tips our Bountiful Pediatric Dental Office has used for years:
● Let your baby chew on a wet, frozen washcloth to help numb sore gums.
● Try using a pain reliever like Acetaminophen and ibuprofen as they help to provide a reduction in pain for a few hours. Alternating the medicine can reduce problems with fevers as well.
● Massaging the gums is another way to help your infant as they are teething. Rubbing the area with your finger is a simple way to help your infant feel better.

When to Call the Dentist

If you are concerned the teeth are taking a long time to erupt, or your child has red, swollen gums that seem to be lasting for several days or weeks, call South Davis Pediatric Dental Office. We will examine their teeth and gums to monitor their growth. If your child has yet to develop teeth by 15 months, bring them in for an x-ray to check on the development of their teeth.

For more information about teething babies, and how you can help your child, contact our Bountiful Pediatric Dental Office (801)294-8880.

South Davis Pediatric Dentistry is a children's dental office in Bountiful Utah